We have been deeply involved in the industry for more than ten years, and have served more than 10W+ customers. WiFi modules, Bluetooth modules, power modules and other products are in more than 80 countries and regions, providing customers with professional and reliable IoT module products.
离线语音识别模块V25 双麦降噪/200条命令词/中英日韩等多国语种
高噪环境可用/多语种/全双工交互/播报打断语音合成模块V40 TTS纯文字转语音播放 海凌科AI智能语音合成播报
尺寸小/功能全/使用简单/性价比高/提供APP低功耗语音模块V24 AI智能离线语音识别开发板双麦降噪声控IC芯片
双麦降噪/低功耗/识别性能好/定制投产快AI离线语音识别模块多语种版VB10 智能家居涂鸦WiFi远程控制开关
支持多国语种/本地离线+在线WiFi远程控制AI离线语音蓝牙模块V50 海凌科智能家居人声控制+小程序控制开关
本地离线识别/识别性能好/支持小程序控制超低功耗语音识别模块V23 海凌科智能离线声控开关 UART/PWM/IO口
功耗极低/识别精准/串口输出/项目定制I智能离线语音识别模块V21 双麦降噪低功耗声控开关语音控制芯片
高识别率/量身定制/低功耗/性能稳定/投产快10G雷达模块LD102 手扫感应开关 近场挥手触发传感器 串口/IO输出
X波段雷达/距离可调/IO高低电平和串口通信AI smart face recognition module T210 high recognition rate, low power consumption, offline living body recognition, serial communication easy to use
Small size / living body recognition / high recognition / simple configuration / stable performanceGPS positioning module GS475 dual frequency L1/L5 high precision Beidou/QZSS/GLONASS/GAL global positioning
Ultra-fast positioning / ultra-high precision / ultra-strong signal tracking / anti-interference24GHz millimeter wave radar sensor motion detection sensor PIR module LD112 low power consumption and small size
Ultra-fast detection of human or object movement/small size/high precision24GHz millimeter wave radar sensor PIR motion monitoring module LD116 small size, low power consumption, wide detection
The detection range is up to 6 meters/super fast to monitor the movement of people or objects/